Help or Things (menawarkan bantuan / menawarkan
Untuk menawarkan bantuan, dapat
digunakan ungkapan-ungkapan berikut:
- May I help you?
- Can I help you?
- Could I help you?
- How can I be of assistance to
- How can I be of help to you?
- What can I help you
- What can I do for you?
- How can I assist you?
- How can I help you?
- Let me help you?
- Do you want me to help you?
- Shall I …?
Cara memberi tawaran seperti
menawarkan makanan atau minuman dalam bahasa Inggris lazimnya dengan
menggunakan ungkapan Would you like…?, Would you care for …?, why don’t you
have…?, How about having …? May I offer you …?
Tawaran Respon
- Would you like some
Yes, please.
- Would you care for some
No, thanks. I don’t drink coffee.
- Why don’t you have some biscuit,
Thanks, I’d love to.
Jawaban untuk menerima tawaran
antara lain: Yes please, Sure, Why not, Ofcourse, Certainly, I’d love to, It’s
a good idea, That’s great. Untuk menolak tawaran digunakan ungkapan seperti:
No, thanks, Please don’t bother, I’d love to but…, That’s great but…
Simple Future Tense is used to describing job or action that will to do (happened) at future.
The Formula:
1. Will
(+) S + shall/will + Verb I
(-) S + shall/will + not + Verb I
(?) Shall/will + S + Verb I?
2. Going to
(+) S + be + going to + Verb I
(-) S + be + not + goimg to + Verb I
(?) be + S + going to + Verb I?
How do we use the Simple Future Tense?
No Plan: we use the simple future tense when there is no plan or decision to do something before we speak. We make the decision spontaneously at the time of speaking.
- Hold on. I'll get a pen.
- We will
see what we can do to help you.
- Maybe we'll stay in and watch television tonight
- I think I'll go to the gym tomorrow.
- I think I will have a holiday next year.
- I don't think I'll buy that car.
Prediction: we often use the simple future tense to make a prediction about the future. Again, there is no firm plan. We are saying what we think will happen.
- It will rain tomorrow.
- People won't go to Jupiter before the 22nd century.
- Who do you think will get the job?
That when we have a plan or intention to do something in the future, we usually use other tenses or expressions, such as the present continuous tense or going to.
Time signal:
1. Tomorrow…
- Morning
- Afternoon
- Evening
- Night
- Time
- Week
- Month
- Year
- January
4. The day after tomorrow
5. Soon
6. Later
7. Two, three more days
8. Two, three days later
9. By and by
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